**** CP2K **** .. py:class:: CP2K This interface supports energy and gradient evaluations with the `CP2K `_ electronic structure package (version 8.1.0 or later) A CP2K :ref:`Theory ` object can be specified as follows:: my_frag = Fragment(...) my_theory = CP2K(frag=my_frag, functional='PBE', basis='DZVP-GTH-PADE', ...) which would then be called as ``theory=my_theory`` in subsequent tasks (see :ref:`Tasks `). General options =============== .. py:attribute:: basis :noindex: (default: ``'DZVP'``) CP2K basis set name Allowed types of value: * A Python :py:class:`str` for basis set name, for example: ``'DZVP-GTH-PADE'`` * A Python :py:class:`dict` of element---to---basis-set mapping, for example: ``{'Pd':'SZV-MOLOPT-SR-GTH', 'O':'TZV2P-MOLOPT-GTH'}`` .. py:attribute:: basis_file (default: ``''``) CP2K basis set filename: when this is not specified, ChemShell will try to search into the CP2K data library Allowed types of value: * A Python :py:class:`str` for filename, for example: ``'BASIS_SET'`` * A Python :py:class:`list` of multiple filenames, for example: ``[ 'BASIS_SET', 'BASIS_MOLOPT' ]`` .. py:attribute:: diag_method Algorithm for diagonalization. Allowed values are ``'DAVIDSON'``, ``'FILTER_MATRIX'``, ``'LANCZOS'``, ``'OT'``, and ``'STANDARD'`` (default) .. py:attribute:: functional :noindex: Allowed values are ``'B3LYP'``, ``'BEEFVDW'``, ``'BLYP'``, ``'BP'``, ``'HCTH120'``, ``'LDA'``, ``'NONE'``, ``'NO_SHORTCUT'``, ``'OLYP'``, ``'PADE'`` (default), ``'PBE'``, ``'PBE0'``, and ``'TPSS'`` .. py:attribute:: grid_cutoff (default: ``280.0`` Rydberg) The cutoff of the finest grid level. See: `CP2K Manual `__ .. py:attribute:: grid_real_cutoff (default: ``40.0`` Rydberg) The grid at which a Gaussian is mapped .. py:attribute:: guess :noindex: (default: ``'ATOMIC'``) Initial guess for SCF if the job is not a restarted one .. py:attribute:: input :noindex: (default: ``'_cp2k.inp'``) Filename of CP2K input script .. py:attribute:: kpoints_method (default: ``'MONKHORST-PACK'``) Ki-points scheme to be used. Available options are ``'NONE'``, ``'GAMMA'``, ``'MONKHORST-PACK'``, ``'MACDONALD'``, and ``'GENERAL'`` .. py:attribute:: lattice_scale (default: ``1.0000``) Used for scaling the non-periodic vector in :ref:`qmme` only .. py:attribute:: maxiter_outer (default: ``50``) Maximum number of iterations for :py:attr:`outer SCF ` .. py:attribute:: mixing_alpha (default: ``0.3``) Fraction of new density to be included. The default value is ``0.4`` in CP2K, see: `CP2K Manual `__ .. py:attribute:: mixing_method Allowed values are ``'BROYDEN_MIXING'``, ``'BROYDEN_MIXING_NEW'``, ``'DIRECT_P_MIXING'`` (default), ``'KERKER_MIXING'``, ``'MULTISECANT_MIXING'``, ``'NONE'``, and ``'PULAY_MIXING'``. For the 2nd QM energy evaluation (without adsorbate) in :ref:`qmme`, only ``'DIRECT_P_MIXING'`` can be used .. py:attribute:: mixing_gmix_p (default: ``False``) Toggle the mixing of the density matrix, see `CP2K Manual `__ .. py:attribute:: ngrids (default: ``4``) The number of multigrids to use .. py:attribute:: nmos_added (default: ``10``) Number of additional MOs added for each spin. For the 2nd QM energy evaluation (without adsorbate) in :ref:`qmme`, ``0`` is used to switch off MO smearing. In CP2K it is defaulted to ``0``, see: `CP2K Manual `__ .. py:attribute:: outer_scf (default: ``False``) Toggle outer SCF loop .. py:attribute:: output :noindex: (default: ``'_cp2k.out'``) Name of CP2K output file .. py:attribute:: periodic (default: ``'XYZ'``) For :ref:`qmme` calculations 2D periodicity is imposed and the value for :py:attr:`periodic` is automatically detected (``XY``, ``XZ``, or ``YZ``) according to the system's orientation. This value also determines the :py:attr:`Poisson solver ` .. py:attribute:: poisson_solver (default: ``'PERIODIC'``) ``'PERIODIC'`` is only available for 3D systems. For :ref:`qmme` calculations, ChemShell automatically determines which method to use: * ``'ANALYTIC'``: When :py:attr:`periodic` is ``'XY'`` or ``'YZ'`` * ``'WAVELET'``: When :py:attr:`periodic` is ``'XZ'`` .. py:attribute:: potential_file (default: ``''``) Name of pseudo potential file. ChemShell will find one according to :py:attr:`pseudopotential` from the CP2K data library if the value is ``''`` .. py:attribute:: precision_all (default: ``1.0E-10``) A universal EPS energy criterion for Quickstep (QS) .. py:attribute:: precision_gvg (default: ``1.0E-8``) Precision of the real-space Kohn-Sham matrix element integration for Quickstep (QS) .. py:attribute:: precision_rho (default: ``1.0E-10``) Precision of the density mapping on the grids for Quickstep (QS) .. py:attribute:: smear (default: ``True``) Toggle DFT SCF smearing, see: `CP2K Manual `__ .. py:attribute:: smear_method Allowed values: * ``'ENERGY_WINDOW'``: (default) See also :py:attr:`smear_temperature` and :py:attr:`smear_window` * ``'FERMI_DIRAC'``: This is the default method for :ref:`qmme` calculations * ``'LIST'``: Use a fixed list of occupations .. py:attribute:: smear_temperature (default: ``300.0`` Kelvin) Electronic temperature in the case of ``'FERMI-DIRAC'`` :py:attr:`smearing method ` .. py:attribute:: smear_window (default: ``0.02`` Hartree) In CP2K it is ``0.0`` by default but we use ``0.02`` for :ref:`qmme` .. py:attribute:: symmetry Allowed values: * ``'auto'``: (default) Let ChemShell automatically detect the system's symmetry. Available symmetries are: CUBIC, HEXAGONAL, MONOCLINIC, MONOCLINIC_GAMMA_AB, ORTHORHOMBIC, RHOMBOHEDRAL, TETRAGONAL_AB, TETRAGONAL_AC, TETRAGONAL_BC, TRICLINIC, and NONE * ``''`` or ``None`` or ``False``: No symmetry .. py:attribute:: wavefunction (default: ``'_cp2k.wfn'``) Wavefunction restart filename .. py:attribute:: xc_derivative (default: ``'SPLINE2_SMOOTH'``) The method used to compute the XC derivatives. Defaulted to ``'PW'`` in CP2K, see: `CP2K Manual `__ .. py:attribute:: xc_finer_grid (default: ``False``) Uses a finer grid only to calculate the XC .. py:attribute:: xc_smooth_rho (default: ``'SPLINE2'``) Density smoothing method used for the XC calculation. ``'NONE'`` by default in CP2K, see: `CP2K Manual `__