****** Molpro ****** .. py:class:: Molpro This interface supports energy and gradient evaluations with the `Molpro `_ electronic structure package (v2020 or later) A Molpro :ref:`Theory ` object can be specified as follows:: my_frag = Fragment(...) my_theory = Molpro(frag=my_frag, method='hf', basis='3-21g', ...) which would then be called as ``theory=my_theory`` in subsequent tasks (see :ref:`Tasks `). General options =============== .. py:attribute:: memory :noindex: (default: ``256``) Main memory request in megawords (where 1 megaword is 8 megabytes) SCF options =========== .. py:attribute:: scf_threshold (default: ``6``) SCF convergence threshold :py:attr:`10E-scf_threshold`.