.. _vib_freq: ********************* Vibrational Frequency ********************* .. note:: The scripts for this step of the tutorial can be found in ``chemsh/6_mgo+co2_vib/`` The script ``mgoco2.py`` demonstrates how the vibrational frequency of CO\ :sub:`2` can be calculated. This is a very similar setup to the MgO-CO\ :sub:`2` geometry optimisation, but starts from the final optimised energy. The active region is also reduced to the CO\ :sub:`2` atoms only, in order to reduce the size of the Hessian matrix required: .. literalinclude:: ../../samples/mgo_surface/6_mgo+co2_vib/mgoco2.py :lines: 20-21 DL-FIND is used to run the vibrational analysis, which is specified using the ``thermal=True`` option in the ``Opt()`` specification: .. literalinclude:: ../../samples/mgo_surface/6_mgo+co2_vib/mgoco2.py :lines: 41-43