The GROMOS Interface

Command Line Arguments

Some of the arguments are directly used by the gromos executable. Refer to the documentation of gromos for a detailed and up-to-date explanation of them.
Argument Argument type Mandatory Default To specify
coords= Fragment tag yes none Initial configuration of the system
executable= keyword no grforce.64 gromos executable
topology= file yes none The gromos topology file
npm= integer yes none The number of solute molecules
ntc= integer no 1 GROMOS keyword (SHAKE)
1: no SHAKE is performed (solute)
2: SHAKE the bonds involving hydrogens (solute)
3: SHAKE all bonds (solute)
ntb= integer no 0 GROMOS keyword concerning periodic boundary conditions (-2 ... 2):
<0: truncated octahedron periodic boundary conditions
>0: rectangular/monoclinic periodic boundary conditions
0: vacuum
abs(ntb)=2: the virial (pressure) is calculated
box= Tcl List no none Defines the bounding box, { x y z }.
debug= Boolean no off Provide additional output quantities (off, on).
rcutp= real no 0.8 Cut-off used in pairlist construction.
rcutl= real no 1.4 Cut-off used in long range interaction.
epsrf= real no 54.0 Epsilon used in reaction-field calculation (0.0 or > 1.0).
appak= real no 0.0 Kappa used in reaction-field calculation.
rcrf= real no 1.4 Cut-off radius used in reaction-field calculation
ntg= integer no 0 Controls free-energy calculation:
0: no perturbation is applied
1: calculate dV/dRLAM perturbation
2: calculate dV/dRMU perturbation
3: calculate both derivatives
Other values than 0 require specification of pertfile.
rlam= real no 0.0 Initial value for lambda in free-energy calculations.
pertfile= file no none Perturbation topology file. Mandatory if ntg is not 0.
mm_defs= Tcl List no none ignored
atom_attributes= Tcl List no none ignored
atom_types= Tcl List no none ignored
atom_charges= Tcl List no none ignored
atom_pols= Tcl List no none ignored
atom_names= Tcl List no none ignored
delete_charges= Tcl List no none ignored
export_charge_list= Tcl List no none ignored

Because it does not attempt to modify the topology generated (in contrast to the dl_poly interface that creates the DL_POLY topology) the GROMOS interface will ignore the following arguments mm_defs atom_attributes atom_types atom_charges atom_pols atom_names delete_charges export_charge_list. For compatability these arguments are silently ignored.

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