Hybrid delocalised coordinates


Generally, the representation of a chemical system in internal coordinates is more efficient for geometry optimisation than its representation in Cartesian coordinates. Among the various kinds of internal coordinate representations (e.g. Z-matrix, natural internal coordinates, delocalised internal coordinates), the delocalised internal coordinates are most decoupled from each other since they are a non-redundant set of linear combinations of a set of coupled, redundant primitive internal coordinates such that the spectroscopic G matrix becomes diagonal. Since the CPU requirements of the diagonalisation of the G matrix scales as the number of atoms cubed, the system can be split up into residues within which the internal coordinates are defined and delocalised. If more than one residue is defined, or if some atoms are represented using Cartesian coordinates, Cartesian coordinates of all atoms of each residue are added to the redundant set of coordinates to be delocalised such that the delocalised coordinates include information about the relative position and orientation of the residues. We will call these coordinates hybrid delocalised internal coordinates (HDLC).
The redundant set of primitive internal coordinates is generated in two ways:

primitive internals total connection
Primitive internal coordinates (default, recommended for geometry optimisation and the environment of a reaction in a transition state search): the angles, linear angles, improper dihedrals and dihedrals are defined based on connectivity from covalent radii and shortest distance branched path Total connection scheme (recommended for the reaction core in a transition state search): every atom is connected to every atom, no angles and dihedrals are defined

Overview of an optimisation using hybrid delocalised coordinates:

The HDLC are generated only at start and restart


The HDLC optimiser uses Cartesian coordinates (Fragment tag ) for all input / output. It converts the part of the system to be represented in HDLC automatically "on the fly". All atoms being part of a residue defined using the argument residues= are optimised using HDLC, the other atoms are optimised using Cartesian coordinates. The coordinates are delocalised only within each residue.

Definition of hybrid delocalised internal coordinates

By default, DL-FIND uses Cartesian coordinates for geometry optimisation and transition state search for all atoms.
  • The atoms whose position is to be represented using HDLCs must be explicitly assigned to a residue.
  • The coordinates are delocalised over each residue only.
  • The atoms not being part of any residue are represented using Cartesians.
  • If one single residue spans all atoms, the 6 external degrees of freedom are retained. For pure internal delocalised coordinates, the dlc option should be used.
The primitive internal coordinates to be delocalised are generated automatically. Internal coordinates to be constrained are added automatically if required.

Definition of residues

Format of the residue membership list

{{residue names} {{atoms of residue1} {atoms of residue2} ...}}

The atoms are counted from 1. Example:

{{res1 res2 res3} {{1 2 3 4 5} {6 7 8} {9 10 11}}}

The inlist command

The inlist command manipulates residue membership lists based on set operations and returns the resulting residue membership list. It provides five functions:

Function Arguments Opt. arguments Description
combine residues, target, sets mode, (set1, set2 instead of sets) Combine two or more residues to one residue
intersect residues, target, sets mode, (set1, set2 instead of sets) Intersect two or more residues to one residue
exclude residues, target, set1, set2 - Exclude atoms of set2 from set1 to target, keep set2
merge residues, residues2 - Merge residue definitions from two lists. Residues2 preceeds.
remove residues, sets - Remove residue sets from a residue list
pick residues, sets - Return a list containing only selected sets

The command inlist accepts these arguments:

Argument Argument type Functions To specify
function= string - Allowed operations: combine, intersect, exclude, merge, remove
residues= residue list all Residue membership list to start from
sets= list combine, intersect, remove Names of residues to perform set operation on (see note 1)
set1= string combine, intersect, exclude Name of the first residue to perform set operation on (see note 2)
set2= string combine, intersect, exclude Name of the second residue to perform set operation on (see note 2)
target= string combine, intersect, exclude Name of the resulting residue
residues2= residue list merge Second residue membership list
mode= string combine, intersect Keep ("add") or remove ("remove") the original sets (default: remove)

Note 1: For the functions combine and intersect, either set1= and set2= or sets= can be specified

Note 2: For the function exclude, atoms of set2 are excluded from set1, set2 is kept and the resulting set is stored as target

Other commands for residue membership list manipulation

Command Arguments Opt. arguments Description
res_selectall coords= - Return a residue list defining one residue containing all atoms
pdb_to_res name of the PDB file names=, excluded_names= (note 1) Return a residue list according to a PDB file (see note 2)
select_residue residues=, residue=, coords=, result= - Copy the atoms of the specified residue of a residue from the fragment coords= to the fragment result=

Note 1: If names=(list) is present, only residues are included whose residue name field matches one of the names given in the list, if exclude_names=(list) is present, only residues are included whose name field does not match any of the names given in the list. The argument names= precedes

Note 2: The residue names are composed from the chain and residue name specification fields if the chain specification is not empty or from the residue name and residue number specification fields otherwise

Examples of residue definitions

  • set residues [ pdb_to_res "1PBE.pdb" names= {FAD PHB} ]
  • set residues [ inlist function=combine residues= $from_pdb sets= {FAD PHB} target=fixed ]
  • dl-find coords=c result=res.c coordinates=hdlc residues= [ res_selectall coords=c ] theory=mndo : hamiltonian=am1
  • select_residue coords=1PBE.c result=FAD.c residues= $residues residue=FAD

HDLC constraints

Cartesian constraints (frozen atoms) are specified using the residue membership list or via the keyword active_atoms. If defined using the residue membership list, all frozen atoms must belong to a residue named "fixed".

Internal constraints (distances, angles and dihedrals) are specified using the constraints=... argument of the dl-find command.

For the format, see the examples below. The atom sequence numbers are counted in the same order as in the input geometry provided with the coords=... argument and the residue membership list provided with the residues=... argument. No constraint may be defined across a residue boundary. Use the command inlist function=combine to satisfy this condition.


  • dl-find coords=c result=res.c coordinates=hdlc residues= {{fixed HDLC1} {{1 2 3 6} {4 5 7 8}}} theory=mndo : hamiltonian=am1
  • dl-find coords=c result=res.c coordinates=hdlc residues= $residues constraints= {{bond 3 5} {angle 3 5 6} {torsion 1 2 3 4} {cart 3 0 0 -1}} theory=mndo
Concerning the cart entry: {cart 3 0 0 -1} fixes the x component of the 3rd atom, {cart 17 0 0 -2} fixes the y component of the 17th atom and so on. These are handled as internal constraints, and thus are only available for HDLC for atoms that are part of a residue.

Practical hints

  • Use the argument residues=... and the commands for the manipulation of residue membership lists
  • Recommended size of a residue is 3 to 50 atoms
  • The atoms of the residue named "fixed" are kept fixed
  • The argument active_atoms=... can be used if most of the atoms are to be kept fixed
  • Try to cut single bonds only
  • Try to avoid cutting rings and other crosslinked subsystems
  • Do not put more than one molecule into a residue
  • Use the PDB fragmentation for biomolecules

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