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Custer QM/MM model for a zeolite system

The first file, zeolite_cluster.chm starts from a the crystal structure of the zeolite zsm-5 and generates a spherical cluster from it. As an intermediate step, the unit cell of the zeolite is output as fragment object zsm5.c. You can visualise this with Aten and pick which of the atoms you want to centre the cluster on. The cluster is actually created by the following ChemShell command:

construct_cluster \
        coords=zsm5.c \
        crystal_type=covalent \
        radius_cluster=25.0 \
        radius_active=10.0 \
        origin_atom=5 \
        bq_density=2 \
        bq_margin=5.0 \
        cluster=zsm5.clus \
        mm_theory=dl_poly : mm_defs=zeolite.ff

This cluster cutting procedure will use the atom type assignments and associated charges as specified on the mm_theory argument.

The atoms in the resulting cluster are ordered outwards from the centre, so that atom 1 is the atom that was specified as the origin. There is a Tcl loop in the input file that checks this is the case.

Once the cluster has been generated, a short QM/MM calculation is performed with it, specifying as the QM atom a single Si atom (atom 1, the central atom) , which will be H-terminated to give an SiH4 group embedded in the zeolite framework.

The basis set used is that stored internally to ChemShell using the dzp keyword.

energy coords=zsm5.clus energy=e \
    theory=hybrid : [ list coupling=shift  \
                     dipole_adjust=yes \
                     mm_theory=dl_poly : { mm_defs= zeolite.ff} \
                     qm_theory=gamess : basisspec = { { dzp * } }  qm_region= $hit ]

The dipole_adjust=yes flag is used in the QM/MM calculation to make a bond dipole correction to the charges of the first layer of MM atoms. This is a special adjustment for silicate materials using Si/O charges of 1.2/-0.6 (see the hybrid section of the manual).

As an example of a slightly more complex QM/MM calculation, in which the structure of an adsorbate has been added, see the file zeo_nh4.chm.

If interested, you can build your own clusters including additional atoms using the following procedure.

In order to run this example you need GAMESS-UK (specifically the rungamess script) in your path, and you need the following files from the zeol1_cff directory: zeolite_cluster.chm, zeolite.ff, zeo_nh4.chm, and zeo_nh4.zmt.

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