Fragment Conversion
A tutorial page written by Thomas John and Rowan Hanson at Cardiff University, with thanks to the Nuffield Foundation and CCP5.
The Atomic Simulation Environment (ASE) is a popular tool for setting up materials simulations. ChemShell reads and writes chemical data files using the Fragment object, whereas ASE reads and writes using the Atoms object; thus, a tool has been written that interconvert ChemShell Fragments with the ASE atoms format, allowing structural manipulation in ASE prior to ChemShell use, and for access to additional I/O tools in ASE for saving results.
This page will show you how to convert to Fragment from Atoms and back by using a .cif
file as the example.
Convert Fragment to Atoms
A Fragment
object can be defined and converted into an Atoms
object. Some of ASE’s method will then be used on the Atoms
First, we must import ChemShell
and create a Fragment
of an N_2 molecule:
from chemsh import *
nitrogenMolecule = Fragment(znums=[7, 7], coords=[[0, 0, 0], [2.0787, 0, 0]])
Next, we import the
from ChemShell. These are used to call the convert_frag_to_atoms
function, passing the Fragment
object as an argument. The output of the conversion is an ASE Atoms
object, and can be visualised by importing the view function from ASE
from import *
from ase.visualize import view
atomsObject = convert_frag_to_atoms(nitrogenMolecule)
The kinetic and potential energies of the system can be calculated using calculators built into ASE, such as EMT
from ase.calculators.emt import EMT
print("\nKinetic Energy: " + str(atomsObject.get_kinetic_energy()))
print("\nPotential Energy: " + str(atomsObject.get_potential_energy()))
Other methods found in ASE can also be used to manipulate the created Atoms object. Charges associated with the Fragment
are lost on conversion into the ASE object
Convert Atoms to Fragment
Simiar to above, an Atoms
object can be defined and converted to a Fragment
To begin, we import the Atoms
object from ASE and define a molecule:
from ase.atoms import Atoms
nitrogenMolecule = Atoms("N2", positions=[[0, 0, 0], [1.1, 0, 0]])
Next, we import ChemShell and the
. This allows a call to the convert_atoms_to_fragment
function, passing the Atoms
object and its connectivity mode (connect_mode
) as arguments; connect_mode can be set as either "ionic"
or "covalent"
fragmentObject = convert_atoms_to_frag(nitrogenMolecule)
Performing such an approach with a more native crystal formats, such as "cif"
, can allow easy cluster construction and energy calculations from popular formats, and transformation back for model review
from import read
fragmentObject = convert_atoms_to_frag(read("mgo.cif"))
fragmentObject.addCharges({"Mg":2.0, "O":-2.0})
cluster = fragmentObject.construct_cluster(origin_atom=0, radius_cluster=20.0, radius_active=10.0, bq_margin=7.0, bq_density=3, adjust_charge='coordination_scaled')
clusterToAtoms = convert_frag_to_atoms(cluster)