MPI für Kohlenforschung

University College London

ChemShell Tools


This is a collection of various tools that do not fit into any other of the sections of this manual. The individual tools are:


Restraints allow to apply geometry dependent energy terms additional to the energy provided by the theory= keyword. They can be used for umbrella sampling simulations as well as for "constrained" optimisation. The latter is required for calculating reaction profiles.

Restraints can be used in the driver modules energy, gradient, eandg, dynamics, hdlcopt, and dl-find. In these cases, only the keyword restraints= has to be included into the specification of the driver. The other keywords given below are added by the drivers.

Restraints can also be used as a standalone energy/gradient evaluator (invoked by the keyword theory=restraint), representing a simple force field.

Command Line Arguments

Argument Argument type Mandatory Default To specify
restraints= Tcl List yes - Tcl List of lists. Each entry represents one restraint. It has the following format: {Type Atom1 Atom2 ... AtomN x0 K}. See below for details.
coords= Fragment tag yes - Fragment object containing the coordinates
energy= Matrix tag no - Matrix to hold the resulting energy
gradient= Matrix tag no - Matrix to hold the resulting gradient
list_option= Output keyword no medium How much information to report

Harmonic restraints of the form V=K/2 (x-x0)2 are applied to different types of coordinates x. In each energy evaluation, a list of the types of restraints, their actual value x (in the same units as x0) and the associate restraint energy V are written to stdout.

Type Number of input atoms Unit of K Unit of x0 Comments
bond 2 Hartree/Bohr2 Bohr Bond distance
angle 3 Hartree/rad2 Degree Angle
torsion 4 Hartree/rad2 Degree Torsion angle (dihedral)
bonddiff2 4 Hartree/Bohr2 Bohr Difference of two bond lengths: d(Atom1-Atom2) – d(Atom3-Atom4)
bonddiff3 6 Hartree/Bohr2 Bohr Difference of three bond lengths: d(Atom1-Atom2) – d(Atom3-Atom4) – d(Atom5-Atom6)
bonddiff4 8 Hartree/Bohr2 Bohr Difference of four bond lengths: d(Atom1-Atom2) + d(Atom3-Atom4) – d(Atom5-Atom6) – d(Atom7-Atom8)
elec 2 e - Electrostatic term. Only two atom indices and the product of charges (in elementary charges) are required.
sbc 0 Hartree/Bohr2 Bohr Spherical boundary conditions. Input format sbc x y z x0 K. Force acting towards the centre x, y, z if atoms are further than x0 from the centre.
sbc_atom 1 Hartree/Bohr2 Bohr Spherical boundary conditions around a central atom. Force acting towards one atom on atoms further than x0 from the central atom.
cart 1 Hartree/Bohr2 Bohr Restraint to a position in space. Input format cart atom_number x y z K.
cart_atom 1 Hartree/Bohr2 - Restrains the atom towards its initial position. Input format cart_atom atom_number K

The following simple script may be used to adjust the system to a specific value of a reaction coordinate (from which, for example, optimisations can start):
# Atomic units:
set ReactionCoordinate 0.3

# atoms to move: 51 37 36
hdlcopt coords=c active_atoms= {51 37 36} \
    theory=restraint : [ list restraints= [ list [ list \
        bonddiff2 51 37 37 36 $ReactionCoordinate 3.0 ] ] ] \

ESP Charges

ESP charges of a QM calculation require the potential at a set of points around the molecule. As some programs (mndo, turbomole 5.71) are able to calculate the potential, but do not (correctly) calculate ESP charges, this feature in included in ChemShell.

The set of points can be calculated by get_esp_points. The positions of the points are written into the fragment specified by grid. The QM method should write the potential into the charge-tags of this fragment. Thus, a possible code to generate (R)ESP charges could be as follows.

provide a coordinates in a fragment c
get_esp_points coords=c grid=gridmat.c type=shell npoint=400
turbomole.potential $turbo_args (grid=gridmat.c is part of $turbo_args)
set_molecule_charge coords=c charge=-1
fit_esp_charges coords=c grid=gridmat.c
These lines should be called after turbomole.init followed by (at least) to calculate the wave function.

Command Line Arguments to get_esp_points

Argument Argument type Mandatory Default To specify
coords= Fragment tag yes - The molecule for which the ESP charges are to be calculated
grid= Fragment tag yes - Fragment for storing the points at which the potential will be fitted
npoint= integer no 2*Number of atoms Number of points to be generated in grid. When using type=shell, this number can not strictly be fulfilled.
type= keyword no mmatoms Can be "mmatoms" or "shell". When "mmatoms" the positions of the npoint bq charges nearest to the atoms will be used. If "shell", the points are uniformly distributed on a shell around the atoms.
vdw_factor= real no 1.5 Only used for type=shell. Specifies the distance of the shell from the atoms in units of the vdW-radius of the nearest atom.

Command Line Arguments to fit_esp_charges

When the grid is defined and the potential at the grid points is known, ESP and RESP charges [J. Phys. Chem. 97, 10269 (1993)] at the atomic positions can be calculated by fit_esp_charges .
Argument Argument type Mandatory Default To specify
coords= Fragment tag yes - The molecule for which the (R)ESP charges are to be calculated. These charges will be stored in the charge tag of the fragment. The total charge of the fragment (atoms only, no bq charges) has to be set!
grid= Fragment tag yes - Fragment for fitting the potential. The potential should be stored in the charge tag.
method= keyword no esp If "resp", the restrained electrostatic potential fitted charges will be calculated. Default: ESP charges without restraint.
resp_a= real no 0.0005 Parameter for the restraint for RESP charges in (Hartree/elementary charge)^2. The higher resp_a, the smaller the charges will be, but the worse the fit will be.
resp_b= real no 0.2 Parameter for the restraint for RESP charges in elementary charges. The lower resp_b, the smaller the charges will be, but the worse the fit will be.
store= Fragment tag no none Fragment to store the (R)ESP charges (in the atom charge field) and the atom positions to which the esp charges have been fitted
There is also the command charge_fit to perform similar tasks, but this is neither documented nor recommended.


Pointcharge can be used in the program as a qm_theory in hybrid calculations, thus it is in fact an energy+gradient module. It calculates the electrostatic interaction of atomic charges with point charges of the MM atoms (bq charges). The self-energy of the atomic point charges is not included. Forces on the QM atoms are not calculated.

Usage of this module only makes sense if the point charges are obtained from esp charges of a real QM-calculation. Additionally the QM atoms should be frozen.

It is needed to perform FEP calculations, see the manual of the hybrid module.

Command Line Arguments

Argument Argument type Mandatory Default To specify
charges_file= string no undefined File name to read the point charges from. It is a binary file, see below for the format. If neither charges_file nor charges_frag are specified, charges assigned to the atoms of the fragment are used.
charges_frag= Fragment tag no none Fragment to read the point charges from (in the atom charge field). If neither charges_file nor charges_frag are specified, charges assigned to the atoms of the fragment are used.
coordinate_accuracy= real no 10–4 Accuracy (in Bohr) to which the geometry in the charges file or fragment must match the current atomic geometry of the QM atoms. The program will stop with an error message if the criterion is not fulfilled. Negative values avoid any geometry check.
list_option= Output keyword no medium Amount of listing output (none, medium, full).

The binary charges file may be created by Fortran code of the following kind, r and charge in atomic units
  write(125) qmat
  do iat=1,qmat
     write(125) r(:,iat),charge(iat)
  end do


Command Line Arguments

Argument Argument type Mandatory Default To specify
coords Fragment tag yes - Fragment object to be transformed
reference_coords Fragment tag yes - Reference fragment object
result Fragment tag yes - Result object
prerotation file no - Pre-rotation matrix file
correspondence Tcl List no - Correspondence list for atoms


lsqfit performs least-squares fitting of two structures.

A pre-rotation matrix may be optionally supplied, and this is applied to the input structure before the fit is performed. It can be used to fit a structure to its enantiomer.

The corresponce= argument can be used to specify which atoms to be matched, the default is all. It is a list of two-element lists, each pair indicating the corresponding atoms in the first and second fragments, respectively.


read_input prerot { 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -1.0 }

lsqfit reference_coords=structure1 coords=structure2 result=res \
prerotation = prerot correspondence = { { 1 1} { 3 2} { 2 3 } }

Modules, trace, and profile

ChemShell is written in a modular, object-oriented manner. This allows timing information to be collected for each module, a simple profiling. The commands start_module, end_module, parsearg, and times are used to provide a trace and a simple profiling.


It takes one string argument, the name of the module to start. It is rarely directly used, generally it is called by parsearg. start_module starts the clock for the respective module and writes a line to standard output of the form:
write_pdb/=============================== Tstep:    0.1 Ttot:    8.2 ==
Where the first field(s) is the name of the module (possibly a stack of module names). Thus it provides a trace in which part of the code, ChemShell is currently running. Tstep is the time in seconds that the previous module needed. Ttot is the total execution time (wallclock time) passed since the start of ChemShell when start_module is called.


Takes no arguments. It reduces the current stack of modules by one and stores the timing information of the end of the execution of the current module. Has to be called once for each call of start_module or parsearg, otherwise a "stack error" occurs (no runtime error, just a warning).


it takes three arguments:
Argument Argument type Mandatory Default To specify
argument 1 string yes - Module name
argument 2 Tcl List yes - tcl list of the argument names to parse
argument 3 string yes - a list of keywords and their values, formatted as described in ChemShell basics
It returns a boolean value, 1 on error. It sets the tcl variables with the names used in argument 2 to the values specified in argument 3. Moreover, it calls start_module argument1.


The command times, which takes no arguments, does a simple profiling. It writes a summary of the runtimes used by external programs and by ChemShell modules at the time called. Most useful at the end of ChemShell scripts.

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