MPI für Kohlenforschung

University College London

The Molpro Interface


This interface supports energy and gradient evaluations with the Molpro program package. The choice of hamiltonian includes DFT (e.g., svwn, pbe, pw91, b3lyp, ...), Hartree-Fock, Møller-Plesset Perturbation Theory as well as Coupled Cluster methods. Of greater interest is the use of local approximations (see local argument) which allows for correlated calculations on systems sizes of up to 50 atoms with large basis sets. Density fitting approximations can also be used with Dunning basis sets (cc-pVXZ or aug-cc-pVXZ) for great computer savings.

Command Line Arguments

Argument Argument type Mandatory Default To specify
basis= keyword no vdz required basis set (Molpro internal library)
harmonic= Boolean no yes Use spherical harmonic basis functions (vs. cartesians)
hamiltonian= keyword no hfscf choice of QM Hamiltonian: hf, mp2, mp3, mp4, ccsd, ccsd(t) and all DFT functionals available in the MOLPRO program package. mcscf (or synonyms casscf and multi) selects an MCSCF wavefunction. rs2 performs MCSCF followed by PT2. See note 1.
basisfile= keyword no undefined Basis set file
direct= Boolean no no Use integral-direct calculations. See note 2.
local= Boolean no no use of local approximations. Available for hamiltonian=mp2, mp3, mp4, ccsd, or ccsd(t). See note 2.
multipole= Boolean no no use of multipole approximations on local methods (only for energy runs).
densityfit= Boolean no no use of density fitting approximations. Available for all choices of hamiltonian.
verbose= Boolean no yes Output
debug= Boolean no no Output
read_control= Boolean no no If set to yes, the molpro input file (generally is not overwritten by ChemShell and can be changed by the user.
charge= integer no 0 total charge
mult= integer no 1 total spin multiplicity
symmetry= Boolean no yes enable/disable symmetry. See note 2.
accuracy= keyword no medium Accuracy: low, medium, high, veryhigh. See note 3
basisspec= Tcl List no undefined required basis set (ChemShell library)
ecpspec= Tcl List no undefined definition of ECP (Effective Core Potentials) for heavy atoms
jobname= string no molpro name to use as root for file names
executable= string no molpro path and/or command to execute Molpro
memory= integer no 64 allocatable memory (in Megawords)
restart= Boolean no no Restart Molpro calculation (from a .wfu wavefunction file). See note 4.
wfu_file= string no [jobname][pid].wfu Filename for loading/saving the Molpro restart file. See note 5.
write_molden= string no undefined Filename for Molpro to write a MOLDEN-readable file for visualisation of geometries/molecular orbitals.

Arguments controlling MCSCF/RS2 calculations

Argument Argument type Mandatory Default To specify
mcscf_occ= Tcl List no { } Defines occupied orbitals. The list should be of the form {n1 n2 ...}, where n(i) specifies the number of occupied orbitals (frozen + closed + active) in irreducible representation number i.
mcscf_closed= Tcl List no { } Defines closed-shell orbitals. The list should be of the form {n1 n2 ...}, where n(i) is the number of closed-shell orbitals in irrep number i.
mcscf_exchange_mos= Tcl List no { } Alters the order of MOs in the initial MCSCF guess (useful when defining the active space). Equivalent to Molpro's rotate command with angle=0. The list should be of the form { {mo1.sym1 mo2.sym1} {mo3.sym2 mo4.sym2} {...} }, where mo1 will be swapped with mo2, mo3 with mo4, etc.
mcscf_wf= Tcl List yes { } Defines the number of electrons and wavefunction symmetry. The list should be of the form {elec sym spin}, where elec is the number of electrons, sym is the number of the irrep, and spin is the spin symmetry (0 = singlet, 1 = doublet, etc.).
mcscf_nroot= integer no 1 MCSCF state of interest for single-state calculations (ignored for multiple state calculations). Molpro's state and weight keywords are set appropriately based on this value.
mcscf_gradient_accuracy= keyword no medium Convergence threshold for orbital gradient in MCSCF (medium: 1.d-2). Keywords low, medium, high, veryhigh vary by factors of 10.
mcscf_cp_accuracy= keyword no medium Convergence threshold for CPMCSCF gradients (multiple state gradients) in MCSCF (medium: 1.d-7). Keywords low, medium, high, veryhigh vary by factors of 100.
mcscf_step_accuracy= keyword no medium Convergence threshold for step length in MCSCF orbital optimization (medium: 1.d-3). Keywords low, medium, high, veryhigh vary by factors of 10.
rs2_shift= real no undefined Level shift to apply in RS2 calculations.


Single point LMP2/cc-pVDZ calculation with density fitting:
energy coords=start.c energy=e theory=molpro : { hamiltonian=mp2 basis=cc-pVDZ charge=0 mult=1 local=yes densityfit=yes } print_matrix matrix=e


  1. For MCSCF/RS2 calculations with restart=no, a preliminary Hartree-Fock calculation is carried out to generate an initial orbital guess.
  2. Symmetry is automatically disabled when using local approximations. It should also be disabled by the user (symmetry=no) in the context of QM/MM calculations. Local calculations are always integral-direct.
  3. The different levels of accuracy correspond to the different energy convergence thresholds. Low: 10-4 au; medium: 10-6 au; high: 10-8 au; veryhigh: 10-10 au.
  4. If a series of calculations is carried out (e.g. during a geometry optimisation), the restart option applies only to the first point. Subsequent calculations are always restarted from the previous point.
  5. The .wfu file will be loaded/saved to the directory specified by Molpro's own settings. The default can be overridden by using the -W switch when calling Molpro (e.g. by adding this option to the executable keyword).

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