MPI für Kohlenforschung

University College London

The GAMESS-UK Interface


The GAMESS-UK interface permits the execution of relatively simple GAMESS-UK jobs from within ChemShell. At present, the functionality is limited to energy and gradient calculations, implemented through the gamess families of Tcl procedures. These routines conform to the general energy/gradient interface In addition, a primitive interface is provided to access the DMA analysis code, and more general calculations can be performed if some specific GAMESS-UK directives are provided., gamess.grad etc.

The gamess routines are used to provide energies and gradients for use both directly in geometry optimisation etc, and for hybrid QM/MM calculations for a number of different wave functions.

The functions implemented include gamess.init,, gamess.eandg, gamess.gradient, gamess.hess and gamess.kill. The first and last of these are dummy routines provided only for compatibility with other codes that use the same energy/gradient interface.

Argument Argument type Mandatory Default To specify
basis= keyword no sto3g basis set from GAMESS-UK internal library
basisfile= file no undefined file containing explicit basis definition
ecpfile= file no undefined file containing explicit definition for ECPs
charge= integer no 0 system charge
mult= integer no 1 spin multiplicity (as GAMESS-UK MULT directive)
dipole= Matrix tag no undefined resultant dipole moment (au)
executable= string no set by environment name of the GAMESS-UK executable
list_option Output keyword no medium How much output to generate
listing= file no gamess1.out file for listing gamess output
punchfile= file no gamess.pun punch file name
integ= file no gamess1.ed2 File to store the two-electron integrals
memory= integer no 2000000 main memory request in words (8 bytes)
adaption= Boolean no yes switch on/off of symmetry adaption of orbitals
symmetry= Boolean no yes switch on/off use of symmetry
accuracy= keyword no undefined integral accuracy: low, medium, high, veryhigh, ultrahigh
direct= Boolean no no switch on/off direct mode (see note 2)
scftype= rhf/uhf no undefined SCF type, see note 1
wfntype= scf/ci/mcscf no scf wavefunction type
hamiltonian= keyword no hf Type of hamiltionian: hf, dft
functional= keyword no none DFT functional (Gamess keyword). Mandatory if hamiltonian=dft
dft_keywords= Tcl List no undefined GAMESS-UK DFT control directives (see note 3)
restart= Boolean no see note 4 whether to attempt to start from old wavefunction
scf_keywords= Tcl List no undefined GAMESS-UK SCF control directives, can also include control directives for the newscf module.
open_shells= string no empty string GAMESS-UK open directive
scf_thresh= integer no 1.e-5 threshold for SCF convergence
maxcyc= integer no undefined maximum number of SCF iterations
corr_thresh= real no undefined threshold for CI convergence
corr_maxcyc= integer no undefined maximum number of CI iterations
level= string no undefined GAMESS-UK level-shift value
diis_test= real no undefined GAMESS-UK DIIS TEST setting
diis_onset= real no 0.1 GAMESS-UK DIIS ONSET setting

Some NOTES on the gamess arguments:

  1. SCFTYPE: Allowed scftype= arguments are:
    1. rhf
    2. rohf: An additional open_shells= argument must be specified in case of an open-shell system
    3. uhf
    4. gvb: An additional open_shells= argument must be specified in case of an open-shell system
    5. mcscf: An additional specification of frozen, core, doubly occupied, alpha, beta, and unoccupied orbitals is expected
    If no scftype= argument is specified, the ROHF-GVB driver will be called for open-shell systems. GAMESS-UK supports only the highest spin-multiplicity in this manner. For other spin-states, the scftype= argument must be set explicitly, as well as the open-shell structure through the open_shells= argument.
  2. Where GAMESS-UK supports direct mode for a given wave-function, it may be requested using direct=yes. For open-shell systems the scftype= argument must be specified, as the default ``scft direct'' only supports the RHF closed-shell wavefunction.
  3. DFT_KEYWORDS: The DFT options presently available in GAMESS-UK are invoked by specifying the dft_keywords= argument. More than one argument may be specified (except when dft_keywords= standard). Currently, only the RHF wavefunction is available for all exchange and correlation potentials; the UHF wavefunction is available only for Dirac exchange (LDA) and VWN correlation potentials. Any keyword allowed by gamess can be used. The density functional itself may also be specified using the keywords hamiltonian= or functional=
    1. standard: standard option: Dirac exchange, VWN correlation, exact Coulomb integrals
    2. hfex: exact exchange
    3. lyp: LYP correlation potential
    4. blyp: Becke88 exchange functional plus LYP correlation functional
    5. bp86: Becke88 exchange and Perdew86 correlation functional (both gradient corrected)
    6. b3lyp: B3-LYP hybrid exchange-correlation potential
    7. nocorr: Omission of correlation potential
    8. screen: switch on screening in quadrature (optionally followed by 3 tolerances for basis amplitude (1e-12), density-matrix element (1e-10), and rho (1e-14), respectively
    9. If coulomb-fitting (called RI or density fitting in other codes) should be used, which is highly recommended for functionals without Hartree-Fock exchange, the following dft_keywords may be used: "JFIT memory JFITG" "JBAS ahlrichs"
  4. restart: By default restart=no is assumed for the first GAMESS-UK calculation in a series (for example the first point in an optimisation) and restart=yes is assumed thereafter.

Arguments controlling CI Calculations

Argument Argument type Mandatory Default To specify
ci_core= string no empty string GAMESS-UK CORE directive for MRCI
ci_active= string no empty string GAMESS-UK ACTIVE directive for MRCI
ci_defs= string no empty string GAMESS-UK DIRECT directive
ci_conf= string no empty string configurations in MRCI

Arguments controlling MCSCF Calculations

Argument Argument type Mandatory Default To specify
num_fzc= integer no 0 number of frozen-core orbitals in MCSCF calculation
num_cor= integer no 0 number of core orbitals in MCSCF calculation
num_doc= integer no 0 number of doubly occupied orbitals in MCSCF calculation
num_alp= integer no 0 number of alpha orbitals in MCSCF calculation
num_bet= integer no 0 number of beta orbitals in MCSCF calculation
num_uoc= integer no 0 number of unoccupied orbitals in MCSCF calculation

Options specific for microiterative QM/MM optimisation

Argument Argument type Mandatory Default To specify
iter integer no not spec. iter=0 causes a normal QM calculation and (R)ESP charges fitted to the obtained density afterwards. iter=1 skips the QM calculation and calculates the electrostatic interaction with bq-charges from the (R)ESP charges.
esp_npoint integer no -1 Number of points to fit the potential. Negative values mean twice the number of QM atoms, see get_esp_points
esp_type keyword no shell mmatoms leads to a fit of the potential at the nearest MM atoms, shell leads to a fit at a shell around the QM atoms, see get_esp_points
esp_method keyword no esp resp causes RESP charges to be calculated, see fit_esp_charges

General GAMESS-UK calculations

To take advantage of functionality within GAMESS-UK other than that addressed by the gamess functions described above, the command gamess.calc may be invoked.

The following arguments are compulsory to gamess.calc:

Argument Argument type To specify
coords= fragment cartesian coordinates of molecule
energy= file file containing computed energy
gradient= file file containing computed gradient

The arguments given in the previous section may all be used. In addition, the following arguments specify further control information.

Argument Argument type To specify
mode= keyword type of calculation to perform - (see below)
control= file file containing gamess runtype and associated directives
punchcontrol= file file containing punch directives
bypass= keyword bypass option ( may be ``old'' or ``two'')
chargefield= file file containing point charge array
adaption= keyword symmetry adaption of integrals (default on
symmetry= keyword use of highest possible symmetry (default on
maxcyc= integer maximum number of SCF cycles

Mode settings

The valid settings for the mode= argument are given in the table below.

Keyword Calculation
scf-startup SCF calculation
scf-restart SCF calculation, given pre-existing dumpfile
grad-startup SCF and gradient
grad-restart gradient, from pre-computed SCF
dma-restart DMA, for pre-computed SCF step
hess-startup Analytic second derivatives
hess-restart Analytic second derivatives, from pre-computed SCF
general General purpose option (directives taken from control file)
general-restart As general, but assuming pre-converged SCF

general Mode

This option is provided to allow for types of calculations which do not correspond to one of the modes described above. To use the general mode, knowledge of the GAMESS-UK input file structure is required. You must create a file containing the RUNTYPE directive for the job step you require, followed by any directives specific to the calculation. You do not need to include VECTORS or ENTER.

The Newscf Module

The newscf module can be driver using the scf_options= argument. There is some brief documentation on the control information needed for this module.


There are many limitations to this interface, among those that are most likely to cause problems are flagged up to avoid confusion.

  • No control for vector routing on the dumpfile.
  • General mode does not allow geometry specification in z-matrix form
  • Results generated in general mode will not usually be available for further use within ChemShell.

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