MPI für Kohlenforschung

University College London

The MOPAC Interface


The mopac interface simply offers the ability to perform a mopac energy and force calculation. As for the other energy and gradient routines, this is accomplished by the implementation of a family of routines, including mopac.init,, and mopac.gradient (see desription of the general energy/gradient interface for more details).


A number of options are available, following the conventions of the generic quantum interface. Note that the energy= and gradient= arguments should be supplied only when appropriate for the function being called.

Argument Argument type Mandatory Default To specify
coords= Fragment tag yes - molecular geometry
energy= Matrix tag yes none resultant energy
gradient= Matrix tag yes none resultant gradients
listing= file no mopac.out file for listing output
charge= integer no 0 molecular charge
jobname= string no mopac string for naming job files
keywords= Tcl List no - extra keywords to pass to MOPAC


This option allows MOPAC keywords to be passed through to the control record of the mopac input file generated.

For example, to specify a doublet state, you may use a script of the following form:

z_create zmatrix=z {
zmatrix angstrom
h 1 1.0
h 1 1.0 2 110.0
z_to_c zmatrix=z coords=c coords=c keywords=doublet energy=e charge=1

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